Rank 10

Rank 10 has been known as many things over the years. Once a high woodwind overflow rank, Rank 10 has become a proud mutt rank where just about any instrument is welcomed. Currently home to a mixture of clarinets and piccolos, Rank 10 has no shortage of variety. What they lack in cohesiveness, they make up for in PSYCHE!

Miranda Chiong, Ranni Torrez, Matt Dolin, Abby Mahar, Niasha Gwin, Lauren Schultz

Miranda Chiong

Miranda Chiong is a molecular biology and political science major in the class of '25! She is from Poconos, PA, and loves playing the clarinet with the rest of her high woodwind rankmates in Rank 10. Miranda’s goal this season is to make Rank 10 a fun and welcoming space (and make Rank 10 a 10/10)! She loves playing music with her friends, and her favorite memory in the 97 is when it started to snow during a LeLaf rehearsal last season. A fun fact about Miranda is that she has a birthmark on the back of her right eye!